How to Take Your
First Trade in Less
Than 5 days

Learn how to buy and sell your first stock and kick your fear to the curb. Sign up now for free to receive the first video.

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    Teri Ijeoma

    Former Elementary School Assistant Principal

    Turned Full-Time Trader

    Who am I?

    I'm a former elementary school assistant principal, turned full-time trader.

    My background in education, combined with lived experience as a trader, has allowed me to reach millions of people across the globe. I've personally taken over 35,000 students under my wings to teach them how to trade with confidence, strategy, and intention. Once a teacher, always a teacher!

    What will you learn?

    • Basics of the stock market. How you can invest without a lot of money.
    • Learn about the DOW, S&P 500, and NASDAQ indexes that you hear on the news, and how to invest in them.
    • The steps to buy and sell your first stock to start earning profit.